Your support is needed...

Dog are saved on the street every day by Recue Groups...

Much of the work is just making things happen, from emergency calls for help, providing funds to pay for medical treatment to arranging the often difficult transport arrangement to get a dog to it’s new home. Having found new homes for over 750 dogs our volunteers have a wealth of experience at re-homing. The challenge in animal welfare is to make things happen. You the supporters are always there when a dog is in trouble & really needs a friend, without you nothing happens.

Rescuers need your help

Dogs rescued off the streets often need to see a vet & required good food & medication…
K9Aid’s supporters are there to help

the small animal rescue groups who get no help from government or major organisations. Right down at street level helping dedicated individuals who are trying to make a difference with little or no support. Dogs don’t choose who rescues them, they just need a real friend. Sometimes animal rescue can seem to be just too big a problem, the numbers of animals that need help never seems to decrease.

The only proven way to control street animal number is by “CAPTURE, NEUTER & RELEASE”,

 this will stop the cycle of puppies & bring a better standard of life to the stray population. K9Aid runs mobile “SNIP” clinics to help control the numbers & vaccinate against rabies.  Dogs cannot control their own fertility it is us humans who must be there for them.