Be a Sponser for the Sava's Safe Haven...

The shelter is a non-govermental, non-profit Animal Welfare association in Romania

It was  founded by Oana Sava in order to help end the suffering of dozens of animals from streets in Romania. Their mission is to save – treat ( also spaying , microchipping , vaccinating etc ) and rehoming street dogs. Currently Savas Safe Haven looks after & houses 200 dogs and provides them a safe sheltered and caring environment.

Savas Haven not only cares for these dogs like family, but also arranges  adoptions globally. Sava’s has relocated over 100 dogs to Germany, UK, Sweden & Austria!

Make a difference to a dogs life...

The situation for dogs in Romania got worse,in the autumn of 2013, after stray dogs were accused of killing a boy in Bucharest. The Romanian president and the press stirred up the hatred towards the animals, and succeeded in pushing through a law allowing the killing of all dogs after 14 days of their capture, unless the local mayor has the funds to allow the dogs a longer stay at the communal shelter.
The dogs are killed with inhumane and cruel methods. The new law has also encouraged the mass catchings and killings of dogs at shelters, because the shelters get money for all killed dogs. The president was supported in his campaign by uneducated people, who blindly believe his promises of cleaning the streets through the killings. A well known fact is that the stray dog problem can not be solved by killing the dogs, but only with a sterilizations programme and by educating people. The killing continue to be allowed, despite all facts. The only hope is that small shelters like Sava’s Safe Haven can show Romanians that there is a better way.

Help save a Romanian street dog...

Personal Info

Donation Total: $25.00 One Time

We Need Help to Fund Our Mission...

For the cost of a pastry per week you will be throwing a life line to dogs in need of emergency help. When you resist just one sticky treat a week think about the dog that will be receiving life saving help because of your small gift.