Support our Sterilization program "SNIP"...

The SNIP clinic takes the Doctor to the dog so no more pups for this girl… A small team of Vets & animal nurses set up their clinic in a school, temple or even a street corner. They take with them all the equipment they need to perform the sterilisations. Equipped with the latest technology to ensure the animals are safe during their procedure & that all utensils are sterile. Most days the team can sterilise around 25-30 animals. This reduces the number of unwanted puppies by many hundreds…

Help stop female dogs from suffering...

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Donation Total: $20.00 One Time

Donate to help a shelter program...

Moe Dog Puppy

Moe just found this freezing cold, frightened pup at the local rubbish dump. He needs our help to fund hernia surgery & sterilization.

of $300
$0 of $300 raised
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Donation Total: $100.00

You can help save unwanted puppies ...

By taking the SNIP Sterilization Program to the most needy parts of the world where street animals are not cared for or are considered a pest. These animals often suffer from the most inhumane treatment & are often killed in the most brutal way. It would be far better in these countries that the dogs do not breed thereby halting their cycle of ill treatment. Spay Neuter is the only proven method to reduce stray animal numbers, by sterilizing strays then releasing them back to the street, the population can be made stable.

It costs just $19 to...

sterilize & vaccinate a street dog against rabies, distemper & parvo, so a regular monthly donation means you will be preventing unwanted puppies & improving the life of a female dog.