Sponsor Chanel...

Your monthly sponsorship will help provide the dog with nutritious food, veterinary care if needed, any additional supplements they may require & preventative medications.

Chanel is wondering if anyone will sponsor her?...

This sweet, elderly dog lives in Songkhla, Thailand at the Thai Street Paws Shelter run by Australian expat Tamara Johnston. Tamara tells us Chanel’s sad but courageous story…

“Old girl Chanel has been living with me for around 3 years now. Chanel, her 3 grandkids and 2 daughters, were saved from the fate of being eaten by Cambodian workers!

Chanel had hardly any hair when I found her and she was so scared of people, she would hide down a narrow gap between two buildings, though she always trusted me. Today she is known as the mafia of our house, as she puts everyone in their place. She is however the sweetest girl.

Her Story...

Chanel has kidney disease and requires a special renal diet, daily medications and subcutaneous fluids. The fluids I can give her myself. The food is super expensive, but unfortunately I don’t have the time to prepare a home cooked diet for her. All of these are super important to keep her creatinine levels stable. The kidney disease will ultimately claim her life at some stage. We want to ensure she’s as healthy as possible for the time she has left.

The cost for Chanel’s food and medication for 1 month is 4500 baht / $140 USD / $185 AUD / $180 CAD / £105 / €118.

Chanel is looking for her monthly sponsor angels to ensure she continues to receive the proper medication and food she needs to keep her as healthy for as long as possible. Please consider helping this old girl. Thank you xx

Sponsor Chanel for just $12 per month...

$ 12.00
Personal Info

Donation Total: $12.00 One Time

We Need Help to Fund Our Mission...

Chanel is an elderly lady who needs special care for the remainder of her life. She’s not likely to find a home, so will need to spend her life at the Thai Street Paws Shelter. She does however need nourishing food & medication for her ongoing kidney disease which will undoubtedly one day claim her life. Become a Guardian Angel for Chanel…. for Just $12 per month